Come, sit at the feet of the Guru.
All that you want, all that you need,
Is all at His feet.
These feet will give you,
All that this world took away from you,
Your peace, your bliss, and even your own identity.
Come, sit at My feet,
And let Me give you back,
All that you have lost.
With My love and My grace,
You will be born again, in a new world,
A world beautiful and blissful,
A world where you will find yourself,
To be Me, and Me - you!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
All that you want, all that you need,
Is all at His feet.
These feet will give you,
All that this world took away from you,
Your peace, your bliss, and even your own identity.
Come, sit at My feet,
And let Me give you back,
All that you have lost.
With My love and My grace,
You will be born again, in a new world,
A world beautiful and blissful,
A world where you will find yourself,
To be Me, and Me - you!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)