Fight your minds and win My heart.
Set yourself aglow
With the light of love and devotion.
Let the warmth of your love for God
Spread all around.
Your mind conceals your faults
With false justifications.
Ego becomes the hard shell of self-defense.
The true self gets lost
Within these barriers of the mind, intellect and ego
Till this self will be submerged,
God will always be a mystery to you.
How can you relate
And understand the beauty of God,
When all within you remains dark and empty.
Wage a war with your thoughts
That lead you helter skelter.
Wage a war with your intellect and ego,
That leaves your true reality as only a fiction.
Feel the common link
That lies between you and all around.
It is the link of God!
It is the bond of love.
It is the simplicity of truth,
it is the magic of peace,
And the miracle of life!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
Set yourself aglow
With the light of love and devotion.
Let the warmth of your love for God
Spread all around.
Your mind conceals your faults
With false justifications.
Ego becomes the hard shell of self-defense.
The true self gets lost
Within these barriers of the mind, intellect and ego
Till this self will be submerged,
God will always be a mystery to you.
How can you relate
And understand the beauty of God,
When all within you remains dark and empty.
Wage a war with your thoughts
That lead you helter skelter.
Wage a war with your intellect and ego,
That leaves your true reality as only a fiction.
Feel the common link
That lies between you and all around.
It is the link of God!
It is the bond of love.
It is the simplicity of truth,
it is the magic of peace,
And the miracle of life!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)