True devotion lies
Beyond emotion and beyond tears.
Devotion is only His silent prayer.
It is faith that speaks the language of surrender.
It is inseparable love that bonds you to Him forever.
Think, speak and do all with devotion,
Yet let it not show.
Devotion is not to remember Him at all times,
And to forget "the Him" in all times,
It is the acceptance of God in all, at all times.
This is true Namasmarana.
Devote yourselves to Him, not only in prayers,
But let prayers become your way of life.
Devote yourselves to Him, not in one form only,
But let each form become one of His.
Your reward of your devotion,
Will be My companionship.
Your efforts of your devotion,
Will result in finding Me.
Not in any man made temples,
Not in any scriptures or japams,
But in your very own hearts.
The devotion of love in your hearts - is Me!
Is You! Is God!
I am found in this temple of love!
You too will be found in this temple, O sweet!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
Beyond emotion and beyond tears.
Devotion is only His silent prayer.
It is faith that speaks the language of surrender.
It is inseparable love that bonds you to Him forever.
Think, speak and do all with devotion,
Yet let it not show.
Devotion is not to remember Him at all times,
And to forget "the Him" in all times,
It is the acceptance of God in all, at all times.
This is true Namasmarana.
Devote yourselves to Him, not only in prayers,
But let prayers become your way of life.
Devote yourselves to Him, not in one form only,
But let each form become one of His.
Your reward of your devotion,
Will be My companionship.
Your efforts of your devotion,
Will result in finding Me.
Not in any man made temples,
Not in any scriptures or japams,
But in your very own hearts.
The devotion of love in your hearts - is Me!
Is You! Is God!
I am found in this temple of love!
You too will be found in this temple, O sweet!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)