For all this time, I have talked,
You have listened! You have studied,
But it is time now to act!
Act on MY words and win Me.
My words will give you strength.
Use this strength and walk forward towards Sai.
My messages will stir in you the God that sleeps.
Wake up to My light.
Learn to love My form in the body of Sai,
And use this love to embrace all.
When you love all, all barriers automatically fall,
All your differences will automatically dissolve.
Footprints are left
Only when there is dirt on the feet.
Clean all your impurities
And leave no mark of your ego.
For all this time, I have been your guide,
And you have followed!
But it is time now to reach Me - forever!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
You have listened! You have studied,
But it is time now to act!
Act on MY words and win Me.
My words will give you strength.
Use this strength and walk forward towards Sai.
My messages will stir in you the God that sleeps.
Wake up to My light.
Learn to love My form in the body of Sai,
And use this love to embrace all.
When you love all, all barriers automatically fall,
All your differences will automatically dissolve.
Footprints are left
Only when there is dirt on the feet.
Clean all your impurities
And leave no mark of your ego.
For all this time, I have been your guide,
And you have followed!
But it is time now to reach Me - forever!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)