"The six enemies of man are eating into his vitals, embedded in his own inner consciousness. They are the demons to be killed. They are lust (Kama), anger (Krodha), greed (Lobha), attachment (Moha), pride (Mada), and malice (Matsarya). They reduce man to the level of a demon. They have to be overpowered and transmuted, by the Supreme Alchemy of the Divine Urge. Then, the nine (Nava) nights (Ratri) of struggle will become new (Nava), a new type of night, devoted to the purification of the mind, illumination of the soul - the night described in the Gita as "the day of the worldly". What is clear and attractive to the ordinary man is uninteresting and unknown to the Yogi. What is clear and attractive to the Yogi is uninteresting and unknown to the worldly man. This is the nature of this topsy-turvy world."
Sai Baba, SSS, Vol. VIII, dtd 12-10-69, p. 107
Sai Baba, SSS, Vol. VIII, dtd 12-10-69, p. 107