
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Significance of the year 2012

Significance of the year 2012 

By S.Narayan 

The whole world is abuzz with talks of the year 2012 and the nearing of apocalyptic end times. Many sections of the media have also tried to cash in on the speculations, flaring up the flames of fear among the masses. The frenzy around the 2012 mystery focuses on the ancient Mayan calendar that mysteriously ends with the winter solstice on December 21, 2012. Some astronomers have also predicted a "galactic alignment" which is believed to occur along the end of 2012 when our solar system passes directly through the Galactic Equator. In the opinion of some, these signs portend the end of times.

Even though I do not believe in the “end of times” theory, I feel that the hype itself has some significance. Many people around the world are expecting something to happen in or around the year 2012 even though nobody really knows what is in store or to expect. No one seems to agree on whether it will be good or bad either. But we know that nothing extremely cataclysmic could be around the corner since Swami(Sri Sathya Sai Baba) Himself has assured us:

"No disaster is imminent for the world. Over the vast globe, there may be some mishaps here and there, from time to time". (SSS Vol. 24 Ch 4)

There are also many who believe that the year 2012 could be the beginning of a spiritual regeneration of planet earth rather than the end of times itself. They perceive the signs as an anticipation of a moment of awakening or a massive transformation of global consciousness.

 In physics, “Schumann’s Resonance” is a parameter used to determine the strength of the earth's magnetic field. This is named after the German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who in 1952 mathematically predicted earth’s magnetic resonance phenomenon. While for many centuries, this parameter was constant on 7.83 cycles per second, scientists have found that during the last few years it has risen to 11 cycles per second and is continuing to increase dramatically. Schumann’s resonance is also referred to as the heartbeat of our planet and hence, being in tune with this heartbeat is very crucial. Our brain waves are also attuned to this resonance. As Einstein once said, everything in this world is about vibration. Different ages (four Yugas) could have had different resonances. May be the different spiritual practices including chanting of mantras, prayers, meditation, yoga, everything has been designed to make our body and mind attuned to this vibration. The differences in this resonance across the Yugas could be the reason why different spiritual practices have been ascribed for different Yugas.

Many researchers believe that soon the Schuman’s resonance would reach a level where it could have unpredictable effects on earth’s magnetic field. But this in the opinion of some spiritualists could have positive effects on the human mind. Earth’s magnetic field that is responsible for the North and South poles are said to have a direct bearing on the human mind and its behavior. Indian “Vastu Shastra” (Science of construction) has identified this and has devised methods to build dwellings that benefit from the effects of earth’s magnetic field on human tendencies. These methodologies can help humans derive beneficiary effects from the magnetic field and stay away from any adverse effects.

Many scriptures point to the coming of a Golden Age where humanity will live in peace and harmony. Some spiritualists believe that the changes in earth’s magnetic field will bring about changes in human consciousness as well. It could lead to a time when more and more people are inclined to follow the spiritual path and turn into a self-enquiry mode. What is interesting to me is that Swami indicated these subtle changes in earth’s condition during His Discourses. He did not mention it clearly because obviously the mankind is not mature enough to perceive such higher realities. Consider the following statement from Swami.

"I never had any pain at all. I am walking around as usual. But, sometimes it becomes difficult to lift the foot due to the earth's attraction power. Therefore, I am walking slowly. Unable to understand this truth, you are imagining that Swami has pain in His legs. Let Me reiterate that I have no pain whatsoever. I have no suffering, no worries and no anxieties. I am always blissful…In this world, everything has to be under a certain limit. In the present situation, this body cannot travel much. The power is growing day by day. I try to lift My foot, but it is very difficult. Even if I use great force, it does not get separated from the earth. It can be separated only through My Sankalpa (Will). It is very difficult to understand the principle of Divinity. No one can understand the Divine Sankalpa. None can estimate the divine power". (SSS Vol.36 Ch 5)

I do not really know what to make of Swami’s statement above but I believe that it has some connection to the subtle changes that are said to be happening in earth’s core and its “attraction power” as Swami mentions in His Discourse. In any case, there must be some justification to a collective expectation around the world with respect to the year 2012, the foundations of which cannot be discounted as insignificant. Most importantly, any miracle of Swami to occur around these uncertain times is sure to receive world-wide attention with much of the humanity already engrossed in the anticipation of something substantial. Perceiving from that angle, I am tempted to believe that this so called “2012 paranoia” could also be a product of divine contrivance!

Read more about Golden Age in the book “Sai Thy Kingdom Come” –

(Extract from :


O Lord, take my love, and let it flow in fullness of devotion to Thee;
O Lord, take my hands, and let them work incessantly for Thee;
O Lord, take my soul, and let it be merged in One with Thee;
O Lord, take my mind and thoughts, and let them be in tune with Thee;
O Lord, take my everything, and let me be an instrument to work for Thee.

***Click on the above picture to watch the video on 'PRECIOUS MOMENTS WITH BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA'

***Click on the above picture to read my story on 'THE DAY I MET MY LORD, BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA'

Baba & I 峇峇与我' - Interview with Sister Adeline Teh (Malaysia)

Interview by Souljourns

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