
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Venus Transit

Several hours ago, I came across something for the very first time... 'Transit of Venus 2012'. (Prior to this, either I had lived on a deserted island or I am a completely ignorant person!) I was not so much concerned about the scientific aspect of it but I would like to know its spiritual significance and how it relates to us humans. I have no knowledge about astrology and know next to nothing about planets and alignments.

Thus, I spent the last few hours educating myself about this event through articles posted on several spiritual/astrology websites. After reading many write-ups and finding similarities in the description of this 'rare celestial' event, I began to get goosebumps when I realized that this may have something to do with my own spiritual path.

"Venus passed between the Earth and our Sun on June 8th, 2004, and initiated an eight-year cycle known as the “Venus Transits”. The Venus Transits cycle is a rare celestial event that occurs every 113 – 130 years, when Venus eclipses the Sun two times – at the beginning and at the end of an eight-year period. The second Venus eclipse will occur on June 6th, 2012."

Even though my first visit to a Sai centre happened in August 2003, I was not yet spiritually awakened or felt any connection to Swami. It did not happen for many, many months after that either. My spiritual journey to Swami actually began in June 2004 when I was diagnosed with a medical condition. That had increased my yearning to seek Swami to ask for His blessing, and thus led to my trip to Puttaparthi in December 2004, where I saw Swami for the very first time. And while I was there, Swami had, in His most loving and compassionate way, laid down the foundation of His residence in my heart. The rest of my experience, over the past eight years, has been an incredible journey of spiritual awakening. Swami has brought me into His fold, taught me spirituality and gave me a tiny spot to serve in His universal mission.

Hence, this event, the 'Transit of Venus' which has arrived on our doorstep, lasting from today until tomorrow, has indeed made a great deal of impact on our individual and collective lives, if we look back and recollect all that has happened over the past eight years. After tomorrow, this event will come to a closure and we will not experience it again in this lifetime.

That made me wonder... What is coming up next? I can only smile and surrender to Swami in my heart, for He knows what is best and He is holding my hand tightly in His.

Be Happy Always.... Loving Sai Rams!


 Link for further reading on 'Venus Transits' :


O Lord, take my love, and let it flow in fullness of devotion to Thee;
O Lord, take my hands, and let them work incessantly for Thee;
O Lord, take my soul, and let it be merged in One with Thee;
O Lord, take my mind and thoughts, and let them be in tune with Thee;
O Lord, take my everything, and let me be an instrument to work for Thee.

***Click on the above picture to watch the video on 'PRECIOUS MOMENTS WITH BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA'

***Click on the above picture to read my story on 'THE DAY I MET MY LORD, BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA'

Baba & I 峇峇与我' - Interview with Sister Adeline Teh (Malaysia)

Interview by Souljourns

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