Rama was not an ordinary individual. He was verily God, who incarnated on earth for the welfare of mankind. People call God by many names like Rama, Krishna, Easwara, and Ma- hadeva. They are all the names of one God. You should recognise the glory of this name. Sage Vasishtha said, “Ramo Vigrahavan dharma (Rama is the personification of dhar- ma (righteousness)).” Dharma itself incar- nated in the form of Rama.
You should follow dharma. Which dharma should you follow? Do not follow the dharma associated with your mind. Follow the princi- ple of dharma that comes from your heart.
- Baba -
You should follow dharma. Which dharma should you follow? Do not follow the dharma associated with your mind. Follow the princi- ple of dharma that comes from your heart.
- Baba -
Have a blessed Sai Ram Navami...