Sai Darshan II, Part 1 - Opening Message
The Lustrous
The Lustrous
Everlasting Golden Atma
That shines
As the self
Reveals its glory
To that blessed one
That asks nothing
From anyone ever
But instead... waits...
Under the umbrella
Of truth and purity
Until at the chosen moment
He hears
The resounding thunder
Of God's word
Within each nerve
Of his body
Within each thought
Of his mind
Within each beat
Of his heart...
And then
Like a mad man
He laughs and cries
And throws the umbrella
Towards the gusty winds
That faith brings
And when he sees above
The sky is lit
For it is silently announcing
The grace of God
That is about
To shower
Upon him...
Such is the grace
Of "Sai Darshan"
For if it has come
Upon your lap
You, O Sweet Child
Have just received
A subtle announcement
Of God's arrival
That has come
To envelope you
Completely and fully
In His Grace.
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)