Sai Darshan II, Part 1 - Message 39
I am your Mother
It is your right
To ask Me...
But not for mundane
Worldly gifts...
For they are not
The gifts of eternity...
Just as a child
That runs to embrace
His mother
Whenever he is in despair
You too must run
To Me.
Whenever the mind despairs
Call My name aloud
And say
"Mother, Mother..."
The mind once again
Speaks and asks
For that which I need not...
It is my right
You say to Me
So I ask dear Mother
Give me back
My contentment
Give me back
My faith in You
Give me back
Your strength
Give me back
The wisdom
Not to be caught
In hopeless demands...
It is my right
You say to me
Dear Mother
So I ask.
My mind wishes
To forget You
In worldly gifts
But I have come
To give You my heart
And take back in it
Your love.
It is my right
Dear Mother
You said that to me
When You created me
That whenever I would come
And offer to You
My mind in despair
You would
Enter my heart
And return to me
My peace that I have
In loving You.
Come to me dear Mother
I have come
With my right..."
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)