Sai Darshan II, Part 1 - Message 54
Most in their prayers ask Me,
"O Lord I shall
Surely work for You
But when the task is complete
What is it that I
Shall receive from You?"
To such a one I always answer
"Dear child
I am glad you have come to Me...
I am glad you wish
To work for Me...
The only thing you did not know
O Child is that
In My work
You shall never know...
When it began...
When it ends...
Where it is...
How it is to be done...
Why it must be done...
For who is that task for...
Who receives its gift...
The only thing
You need to know is
That you have come to Me
And I have accepted
To hold your hand
While doing My work!
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)