Sai Darshan II, Part 1 - Message 91
You are miserable
For you wake up each day
To make your ends meet
To keep yourself alone happy
And to take care
Of only your loved ones...
Yes! You must be responsible
For yourself and your family
But is that your only goal
Right until the end...?
Are you forgetting
That I have given you
The strength
To serve so many more...
I have given you
The inner joy
To make so many more happy...
You must expand your love
You must not be afraid
Of time and effort...
Wake up...
The morning has come...
For self-realisation
The realisation that I am not
This self in this body...
I am the self in everybody...
And I am ageless and limitless
In my love...
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)