Sai Darshan II, Part 1 - Message 101
Let Me tell you of the nine ways that you can reach Me.
1. Always hear of My stories.
2. After hearing them, speak of them and spread the glory of My truth.
3. Always think of them inside your heart and know that I am with you.
4. Spend your time in My worship. Whoever you see... whatever you do, is Me alone. Treat all with the same love.
6. In whatever you do, you must be aware of serving Me and Me alone. Whatever desire you have to give up to do that, you must. You must not be bound by any possession or relationship when you are serving Me.
7. Always remember I alone am your friend... All your relationships can merely last between birth and death. You are with me before your birth... during your life... during death... and even after... until you become timeless in Me. Depend on Me alone.
8. To be more loyal to Me than even yourself, you have to give your complete self to Me. You cannot even belong to yourself, once you have attached yourself completely to Me. You must place your complete faith in Me, then only will I be able to do what I have already willed. Even the faith I alone shall grace you with, when I see not even a slight trace of your ego.
9. Last of all, you have to even give to Me the soul that realises that grace... that feels fulfilled in My love... that knows nothing else other than Me... That, too, you must offer and enter My Self forever!
These are the nine steps that you will have to take. Until the eighty step, you shall be aware of your journey to Me. Until that step, you can be a leader and teach your fellow man the ways to take... the ways to avoid... the ways to build... and the ways to destroy.
But, after that step... no one shall be able to tell the rest... for the rest, endless silence in which you... I... and the truth remain full, complete... blissful... and timeless. If you remember these steps alone... that is enough! These are the nine ways to reach Me...
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)