Sai Darshan II, Part 2 - Message 33
Do not entangle yourself
Do not entangle yourself
In unnecessary attachments
Love all equally...
Those that need you
Those that wish to use you
Those that are ungrateful to you
Those that wish to take from you
And never give...
Love all of them equally...
You must...
You have no other option
If you wish for them to love you back
Then you will be filled with
Fear and despair...
Love all equally
In that there is strength
That you shall find
From within your own self...
Believe all in this world
Is a mere test for you
Even the closest
That have served you
Shall find desire and ambition
And will turn away...
Love all equally
And accept nothing in return
Do all that you do
In the presence of God
He alone can see
Whatever you do...
He alone knows
Whatever you feel...
He alone hears
The calling within
And He alone
Shall whisper
The word of truth
In your heart,
"Never fear, My Child
For I am always there
For you... but you must love all equally."
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)