Sai Darshan II, Part 2 - Message 73
You rely on unnecessary friendships
You rely on unnecessary friendships
So that you spend time...
Waste time...
You trade secrets
You wish for them to give you peace...
You think
That you have fewer worries
When you laugh with them
And you hope... wish
That they are with you
In times of need and tears...
But you fail to realiseThat every relationship
Its line of demarcation
A line that says
"Beyond this
I cannot walk with you...
I cannot laugh with you...
I cannot agree with you...
I cannot rely on you...
I cannot help you...
I cannot love you
Once you reach that line
You look for another friend
And not to mention
Commit another mistake!
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)