Sai Darshan II, Part 2 - Message 99
The devotee cried
And prayed to the Lord,
"O Lord,
I am so tired...
I was first unhappy
With the world
Then I was distressed
With my loved ones and
Now I am fearful
Of my own self...
O Lord, what is it
That I must do
To be happy once again..."
The Lord
With His compassion
Graced His loved one
With His message
He said,
"O Sweet One
That finds no peace
You suffer
Only because
You forgot one thing
To remember and
That is
In all what you saw
And all what you had
And in all that you...
Yourself were... at all times
In every place...
Was "Me" and only "Me"...
And if you are to remember
That even now
For a moment
All the peace
That you thought
That you lost
Would emerge from you
From within.
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)