Sai Darshan II, Part 2 - Message 103
You cannot change
The law of karma
Nor can you escape
Its strike
The winds of the past
Shall turn
And fill your present...
Be aware
Of this law
That gives no one
A second chance...
Whatever you have given
In time to another
Shall return
To you...
No friends... No relatives
Shall stand beside you
When the debt of karmaShall come upon
Your lap...
All shall blame
The weaknesses in you
And while they flee
To their safety
You shall remain
In fear... alone
Paying its debt
And bound to
Its fee!
Remember, My Child
That the name of God
Shall rescue you then...
The name of
The pure...
The Supreme One
Shall take you across
The raging fires of karma...
Even in the moments of tears
You shall learn to smile
And when you shall
Speak to God
You shall feel
His strength
And see Him
Stand beside...
The name of
The pure One
Shall bathe you
In goodness...
Time, O Child
Shall come and go
And you shall
See... all... as
The Act of God
All will be well... then...
For you shall
No more fear
The law of karma
Whatever time
May bring
You shall accept
And in that strength
You shall see
That God Himself comes as the law
To bring you
Close to Him.
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)