Love for God is not complete, is not fully of the highest until there is no distinction between lover and beloved. There should be no curtain, not even the finest of veils to part you; no barriers nothing. There must be a total at onement for that love to be complete. For then it becomes love that is poured from one vessel to another. It is exchanged, and in that exchange, it grows ever more from the devotee to the Lord, from the Lord to the devotee. Backwards and forwards, forwards and backwards, and each time it becomes more and more fervent and intense until it reaches the highest state of devotion, sheer ecstasy. It may cause temporary unhappiness leaving you dejected and sorrowful but your longing and yearning will all the more ensure a flood of grace showers. Such grace that you have never imagined. Such grace as you have never thought could exist. The more you yearn the more this wonderful profusion of grace will stream and descend upon you. Eventually, you will find that even the communication and the connection are insufficient and that you need more, more from the Lord, more closeness and cherished intimacy. The only solution to wanting Him is to yearn, desire, long and wait until you are ready to receive what you desire. Do not allow anything to deter you in your resolve to reach the goal. For it is only through this suffering (longing and yearning for Him) and tears is purity attained, purity enough to attract His love.