A Word of Thanks
God’s grace is with you always. If you give up on His grace you shall give up on your Self…
First, fill yourself with love… then begin the task before you… the love that you give shall fill you with the awareness that God is holding your hand in His…
A prayer is a word of love that you send toward God. Realize that in that word that you speak is the grace of God that shall return to you.
Do not be easily frustrated or desperate… What you see is what you fear most… What God sees is what you need most…
A prayer is a moment in which one frees his self from his thoughts and becomes bound in his devotion to God.
A prayer is not a moment where one escapes from reality… A prayer is a moment of peace on which one stands and waits patiently for God’s will to come before him…
The conversation with God must be constant. No matter what the change, your friendship with Him must remain the same.
What are you afraid of? A storm that may come and take away from you whatever you have known? And what if it does? With the strength God has given you… you can build again….. Just be aware of His love for you and you shall do what the mind always thought to be “the impossible”.
You are helpless and hopeless when you doubt and analyze God’s love for you.
Do you know why it is important to thank God? When you thank God you begin to remember the countless times He came to you… saved you… gave you and loved you… without your asking and without your knowing…
Remember that with the purity of love and the simplicity of selfless work you shall cross the ups and downs of temptations and desire.
You can spend your time in thinking what more you can have or you can spend time in thanking God for whatever you are aware that He has given, and for that which He has already given and you have yet to be grateful for…
(Inspirational message received by Seema M. Dewan, November 25th, 2011)