Every child born into the world is a new thought of God,
an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.
- Kate Douglas Wiggin
As a child, I may have read stories about explorers sailing the seas and finding sunken treasure. Then I daydreamed about myself going on such an adventure. Perhaps back then, finding priceless treasures seemed possible for me.
I can recapture that same feeling of wonderful possibilities by remembering that treasures of the heart, the greatest treasures I can ever hope to receive, are already within me. My treasure chest contains emotional strength and well-being, endless energy, and even more of God's blessings.
With such treasures of the heart as my own, I believe all things are possible for me. I move forward in fulfilling my hopes and dreams, and I live my life knowing that I am blessed by God - now and forever.
God's treasures await me!
(From : 'Daily Word' magazine by Silent Unity, a world wide prayer ministry)