Our words of healing turn on the generator...
we feel a new, buoyant lightness coupled with fresh strength.
- Mary Katherine MacDougall
To be the vibrantly alive person God created me to be, I think thoughts of health and healing. I speak words of life and vitality to myself and about myself.
Such incredible power is released through words of life and healing. They resonate through my entire being, evoking a response that awakens me to living life fully.
Healing words encourage me to be aware of God as the source of life, and as I let such encouragement saturate my mind and body, I am empowered.
The life within the cells of my body responds to my thoughts and words. So I think and speak of life, and then, I just naturally move forward by doing what enriches me spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
"Yes" is the response of my cells to words of life and healing.
(From : 'Daily Word' magazine by Silent Unity, a world wide prayer ministry)