Believe in the God in yourselves,
And then only will you believe in Me!
Your virtues and good qualities will only emerge,
When with all sincerity you accept
The self within.
Yes! You are God!
Believe in that and live to His true ideals.
When God is truth, you too are truth.
When God is pureness and love,
You too are pureness and love.
Why separate Me from you,
When I am the One that resides within?
Be simple in your worldly life,
Rich in your spiritual world.
Being God is
Being filled with the riches of all worlds,
Yet being a slave
To rendering love and service to all.
Being God is destroying the evil within,
Yet spreading the light of goodness to all around.
It takes only a split second
To realize your inert divinity,
Through several life terms and births.
Live today, by just not making Me your ideal,
But in fact, live the ideal with Me.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
And then only will you believe in Me!
Your virtues and good qualities will only emerge,
When with all sincerity you accept
The self within.
Yes! You are God!
Believe in that and live to His true ideals.
When God is truth, you too are truth.
When God is pureness and love,
You too are pureness and love.
Why separate Me from you,
When I am the One that resides within?
Be simple in your worldly life,
Rich in your spiritual world.
Being God is
Being filled with the riches of all worlds,
Yet being a slave
To rendering love and service to all.
Being God is destroying the evil within,
Yet spreading the light of goodness to all around.
It takes only a split second
To realize your inert divinity,
Through several life terms and births.
Live today, by just not making Me your ideal,
But in fact, live the ideal with Me.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)