You seem to think that I punish you,
When I take away from you, your worldly riches.
You think of Me being cruel,
When a loved one parts
And says goodbye by death.
But these are only My ways to reward you,
To redirect your goals,
To realize the insignificance of possessions,
To reduce and diminish your passions,
You call love!
I want to swivel you away from these addictions,
That leaves you helpless
In your eccentric fantasies.
Your only one true possession is "God".
The riches of all worlds is within you.
To Love All, to Serve All!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
When I take away from you, your worldly riches.
You think of Me being cruel,
When a loved one parts
And says goodbye by death.
But these are only My ways to reward you,
To redirect your goals,
To realize the insignificance of possessions,
To reduce and diminish your passions,
You call love!
I want to swivel you away from these addictions,
That leaves you helpless
In your eccentric fantasies.
Your only one true possession is "God".
The riches of all worlds is within you.
To Love All, to Serve All!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)