Do not fear the ones that blame you.
The blame lies not in them,
The blame is your fear of them.
Fear is an ungodly act.
For, that which is always right and ever perfect,
Knows no fear.
Divine love can smile in the face of every evil
And know no fear.
The strength of truth can withstand,
The gusty winds of falsehood and knows no fear.
The steadfastness of faith will remain firm,
In the earthquakes of transient life,
And know no fear.
Your oath of surrender to My will,
Will relieve you, My sweet child,
Of all your worries, anxieties and fears.
Today, you live in fear and worry,
And you look for God!
To Me, you have made up your minds to fast,
Yet, you look for food!
It is only when your intent to eat is genuine,
Then your search for food will also be fruitful.
Resolve to give up your human fears,
And fill your lives with acts that are Divine,
Act today and save yourselves before tomorrow.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
The blame lies not in them,
The blame is your fear of them.
Fear is an ungodly act.
For, that which is always right and ever perfect,
Knows no fear.
Divine love can smile in the face of every evil
And know no fear.
The strength of truth can withstand,
The gusty winds of falsehood and knows no fear.
The steadfastness of faith will remain firm,
In the earthquakes of transient life,
And know no fear.
Your oath of surrender to My will,
Will relieve you, My sweet child,
Of all your worries, anxieties and fears.
Today, you live in fear and worry,
And you look for God!
To Me, you have made up your minds to fast,
Yet, you look for food!
It is only when your intent to eat is genuine,
Then your search for food will also be fruitful.
Resolve to give up your human fears,
And fill your lives with acts that are Divine,
Act today and save yourselves before tomorrow.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)