Each day you spin Me and lose Me,
In the chaotic wheel of thoughts,
Each day you grind Me,
With your harsh words of deceiving untruths.
Each day you slap Me,
With actions that hurt
And prey on the feelings of others.
Yet in the same day,
You pray to Me, you call Me,
And speak of your undying love for Me.
Is this your love for Me?
Or, are you simply convincing yourselves of a God,
That is blind, deaf and dumb?
I witness your actions every moment.
I live in your thoughts always.
I only prompt you words of love.
Then why is your behavior otherwise?
Ask yourselves, are you truly searching for Me?
Have you really found Me?
Or am I just another one of your desires,
To feed your ego?
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
In the chaotic wheel of thoughts,
Each day you grind Me,
With your harsh words of deceiving untruths.
Each day you slap Me,
With actions that hurt
And prey on the feelings of others.
Yet in the same day,
You pray to Me, you call Me,
And speak of your undying love for Me.
Is this your love for Me?
Or, are you simply convincing yourselves of a God,
That is blind, deaf and dumb?
I witness your actions every moment.
I live in your thoughts always.
I only prompt you words of love.
Then why is your behavior otherwise?
Ask yourselves, are you truly searching for Me?
Have you really found Me?
Or am I just another one of your desires,
To feed your ego?
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)