The life of Christ,
Must become the inspirational story of sacrifice,
The sacrifice of living life not for Himself.
His life was for all,
His love soft, pure and all-forgiving.
He came on earth to lead all,
To experience a sweetness of freedom,
The freedom from the ego.
He came to embrace all,
To hold you close in captivation,
The captivation of the Divine.
Follow Him now, for He leads you even today.
He lives today, in the form of love.
His name is truth, His message is peace.
Call on Him, with any name,
With a heart sincere and a mind pure,
And He will respond!
You called Him as "Jesus",
In the life He came before,
You call Him as "Sai Baba",
In His life He lives today.
The blood of Christ, left His message,
Of sacrifice, love and forgiveness of sins of all.
He died in body - but rose -
For His devotees - to live with them forever -
He lives today in the form of love.
His name is truth, His message is peace,
Christ lives today in the form of Sai!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
Must become the inspirational story of sacrifice,
The sacrifice of living life not for Himself.
His life was for all,
His love soft, pure and all-forgiving.
He came on earth to lead all,
To experience a sweetness of freedom,
The freedom from the ego.
He came to embrace all,
To hold you close in captivation,
The captivation of the Divine.
Follow Him now, for He leads you even today.
He lives today, in the form of love.
His name is truth, His message is peace.
Call on Him, with any name,
With a heart sincere and a mind pure,
And He will respond!
You called Him as "Jesus",
In the life He came before,
You call Him as "Sai Baba",
In His life He lives today.
The blood of Christ, left His message,
Of sacrifice, love and forgiveness of sins of all.
He died in body - but rose -
For His devotees - to live with them forever -
He lives today in the form of love.
His name is truth, His message is peace,
Christ lives today in the form of Sai!
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)