One day you express of your insane love for Me,
The next day your feet step back
In the slippery road of the world.
One thing I will say, that your love for God
Cannot falter from day to day.
One day it is "Sai", "Sai",
And the next it is "My", "My".
No! No! This is not true sadhana.
Your effort put into spiritual practice,
Becomes useless if it is not followed with
True dedication and sincerity.
The world is the mask over God,
And God is the reality waiting to be revealed.
Today I desire nothing,
But only for you to find reality.
When all in this world are lost,
Then tell Me who can truly be your true friend?
Who can love you, guide you and accept you,
Without any rewards or expectation of you?
No one!
Do not entangle yourselves any further,
In these strings of selfish attachments.
You are only born in this world
To express your desires.
This cycle of birth and death,
Ends only when these desires are exhausted.
If you are playing the role of a true devotee,
Then your role must end
With the applause of your true devotion.
My applause will be,
Your acceptance for now and forever.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
The next day your feet step back
In the slippery road of the world.
One thing I will say, that your love for God
Cannot falter from day to day.
One day it is "Sai", "Sai",
And the next it is "My", "My".
No! No! This is not true sadhana.
Your effort put into spiritual practice,
Becomes useless if it is not followed with
True dedication and sincerity.
The world is the mask over God,
And God is the reality waiting to be revealed.
Today I desire nothing,
But only for you to find reality.
When all in this world are lost,
Then tell Me who can truly be your true friend?
Who can love you, guide you and accept you,
Without any rewards or expectation of you?
No one!
Do not entangle yourselves any further,
In these strings of selfish attachments.
You are only born in this world
To express your desires.
This cycle of birth and death,
Ends only when these desires are exhausted.
If you are playing the role of a true devotee,
Then your role must end
With the applause of your true devotion.
My applause will be,
Your acceptance for now and forever.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)