Human nature expects to see at least a shadow
Of His rewards,
When putting effort in his spiritual practices.
These expectations
Slow down your process of change,
And may even disgust you in wanting to change.
At times you may feel cheated of God.
At other times there may be anger and frustration.
You may plunge into comparison
With another's progress,
And experience envy or jealousy
Of My attention to another.
Each one's spiritual experience will be different,
And the attention I give you,
Is the only kind of attention you need.
Believe Me, you and only you will earn the rewards,
When spiritual change within you begins to occur.
So wait! Be patient!
Do not stress on your time spent to change.
Focus instead,
On attaining perfection in your efforts.
You are not alone in your struggle of change.
Your ability to change to Me is My victory.
Your faith and patience to change
Is your response to My love.
You are not alone in this dream of reality.
Yes! It is possible!
If not today, not tomorrow - one day!
The change will come! The change will occur!
Your reality will reveal!
Live not to dream, but live the dream,
To change from you to Me - with Me.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
Of His rewards,
When putting effort in his spiritual practices.
These expectations
Slow down your process of change,
And may even disgust you in wanting to change.
At times you may feel cheated of God.
At other times there may be anger and frustration.
You may plunge into comparison
With another's progress,
And experience envy or jealousy
Of My attention to another.
Each one's spiritual experience will be different,
And the attention I give you,
Is the only kind of attention you need.
Believe Me, you and only you will earn the rewards,
When spiritual change within you begins to occur.
So wait! Be patient!
Do not stress on your time spent to change.
Focus instead,
On attaining perfection in your efforts.
You are not alone in your struggle of change.
Your ability to change to Me is My victory.
Your faith and patience to change
Is your response to My love.
You are not alone in this dream of reality.
Yes! It is possible!
If not today, not tomorrow - one day!
The change will come! The change will occur!
Your reality will reveal!
Live not to dream, but live the dream,
To change from you to Me - with Me.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)