I talk of "change" and "transformation",
But the change is not of circumstances
That surround you.
I talk of the "change",
In the way you will perceive circumstances.
Once you walk steps towards Me,
Maya (delusion) will still surround you,
But the change in you will now recognize it
At every step,
And the effect of this delusion on you
Will begin to minimize.
Your habits that have become your second nature,
Will become easier to break,
With less pain to attachments.
Your peace will lie only with God,
And you will begin to seek only that,
Which emits and radiates His beauty.
Your own disgust of your spiritual failures,
Will motivate your search for Me.
In this change, you own weaknesses,
Will urge you to look for the strength of God.
The change I talk of is not of the world,
But the change in the attitudes of each one of you.
Within each one of you lies
The strength to change the world,
Not by any mutiny, war, or revolution,
But by the dedication and willingness
To change yourselves.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
But the change is not of circumstances
That surround you.
I talk of the "change",
In the way you will perceive circumstances.
Once you walk steps towards Me,
Maya (delusion) will still surround you,
But the change in you will now recognize it
At every step,
And the effect of this delusion on you
Will begin to minimize.
Your habits that have become your second nature,
Will become easier to break,
With less pain to attachments.
Your peace will lie only with God,
And you will begin to seek only that,
Which emits and radiates His beauty.
Your own disgust of your spiritual failures,
Will motivate your search for Me.
In this change, you own weaknesses,
Will urge you to look for the strength of God.
The change I talk of is not of the world,
But the change in the attitudes of each one of you.
Within each one of you lies
The strength to change the world,
Not by any mutiny, war, or revolution,
But by the dedication and willingness
To change yourselves.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)