It sometimes prompts immediate actions,
And at other times delays reactions.
It registers all events,
Reminds you of the unpleasant,
Allowing you not to forget and forgive.
To start your process of transformation,
You must close the existing account in this bank
And start anew.
All unpleasantness must be withdrawn.
And only the thoughts and visions,
Of the goodness of the Lord must be deposited.
All the goodness you give must be forgotten.
All the pain others may inflict must be forgiven.
Your mind must bear once again,
The innocence of a child, sweet, loving and pure.
A child trusts all
And looks upon his mother for protection.
You too must stop making all judgments.
Love all, and let Me protect you from any downfall.
Enrich yourselves with a mind
That shines with the treasures of Godhood.
This wealth never depletes, always replenishes.
Money may buy you a beautiful home today,
But it cannot and will never buy Me into your home.
I come only when the mind is surrendered,
And your heart is open.
That is the only payment I accept.
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)