The process of change may be slow,
But your determination to want to change
Must be firm.
For you to change, you must be open
To criticism and fault-finding.
Be honest with yourselves
As to where your weaknesses lie.
All will not change in one day.
Tremendous self-discipline
And spiritual practices are required.
There may be several falls,
But the courage to pick up and walk again
Must prevail.
Temptations may open paths that seem shorter
But do not let false glitter blind you.
Become a statue to the world's reaction.
To reach God, you must become Him,
And that must be your only goal,
Your only reason to be in this body.
The first step to change is to want to change.
Let God be that reason to change.
Let Swami lead you to this change.
Change from what you have become today,
To who you really were.
Ask yourselves, how long will you live,
Before you will know that what you look for, is you?
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)
But your determination to want to change
Must be firm.
For you to change, you must be open
To criticism and fault-finding.
Be honest with yourselves
As to where your weaknesses lie.
All will not change in one day.
Tremendous self-discipline
And spiritual practices are required.
There may be several falls,
But the courage to pick up and walk again
Must prevail.
Temptations may open paths that seem shorter
But do not let false glitter blind you.
Become a statue to the world's reaction.
To reach God, you must become Him,
And that must be your only goal,
Your only reason to be in this body.
The first step to change is to want to change.
Let God be that reason to change.
Let Swami lead you to this change.
Change from what you have become today,
To who you really were.
Ask yourselves, how long will you live,
Before you will know that what you look for, is you?
From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)