Sai Darshan II, Part 1 - Message 29
I alone fill this universe.
Wherever you are
Whatever you may do
It is I alone
Who is there with you...
For I created
All of this
From My very own Self
And I covered
My Glory
With the beauty
Of the many forms
That you may see... hear... touch
Smell and taste.
The one who learns
To conquer these senses
Shall turn away
From the external cover
And reach within...
And then he shall see
From the eye
That I have placed
Within each heart.
The moment he sees
The truth so vast
In the light so bright
He shall find the inner silence.
And in that bliss
He shall smile
And say nothing
To all who ask.
For he alone
Will know My truth
And in that truth
He will find
His peace forever.
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)