Sai Darshan II, Part 2 - Message 47a
There were two brothers
There were two brothers
That loved each other very much
So pure was their love
That the Lord was pleased
With their devotion and duty
Toward each other
One morning, while one of them
Was in prayer
The Lord Himself appeared before him
And asked...
"Ask from Me a boon
For I am pleased
With your love
So pure...
Ask Me and I shall
Give it to you."
The brother joined his hands
And replied to the Lord,
"O Lord
You have filled me
With so much love
What can I ask from you?
But I shall ask
For my brother, O Lord
Whatever boons I have accumulated
So far...
Give to him
And let his joy be mine."
"So be it," said the Lord
And went before
The other brother
Who sat singing the praises of God.
"I have the boons
That your brother has earned
And he wishes for you to have
All of them."
The brother listened
And cried before His Lord,
"O sweet Lord
That listens to all
How could I accept this...
I have only one prayer
And that is for his joy
Please, O Lord
Take this and all the boons that
I, too, have earned
And give it to him
And let me see him
Smile with both gifts
In his hands.
The Lord went back
Before the first brother
And said,
"Both My hands are full
One has the boons you earned
The other has
The ones your brother has sent
He wishes for you
To keep them both
And smile fulfilled and content."
Upon hearing this, the brother wept
He cried to the Lord and said,
"O Lord have mercy
You are the abode of compassion
I know not what boons
I have earned
I wish not to see
The boons
My brother has sent
All I wish to keep
Is the love that I have
For him
For in it I see You, O Lord...
Do not take away
From me
And repay me
For the kindness
That was never mine
But Yours...
Please take these boons
And give it away
To those that need
And leave us
With the hearts
That You have filled
Yourself in..."
The Lord smiled
And blessed them both
His final words He spoke
"May the whole world know
With this story of love
That all that can be
Can be kept...
For love
Once it is earned
It is given
And the one that gives it
Earns the yearning for God..."
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)