Sai Darshan II, Part 2 - Message 47b
Why do you cry?
Why do you cry?
Whatever is in your past
Is inevitable to come...
Whatever seed you have sown
Upon maturity of time
That fruit alone shall arrive
At your very door step -
Do not blame...
Nor weep...
Nor complain...
For it shall pass
If you have turned towards Me
Completely surrendering to Me.
The storm, O child
Is bound to come...
It is bound to break upon you...
It is bound to shake you...
Break you...
You must not look
At the dark clouds that howl...
You must wait
For the light
That breaks
The darkest of clouds...
You must remain silent and peaceful
Fully knowing
That My umbrella
Is over you... always protecting you!
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)