Sai Darshan II, Part 2 - Message 50
Even the Lord weeps
Even the Lord weeps
When a true devotee of His
Prays to Him
And says,
"My world... My everything...
To You I ask
Of one thing
That whatever difficulties come my way
Whatever pain I bear
My tears must not be shed
Before You
For it is not the pain
That I fear
What I fear most
Is when I weaken
And am not able to bear
The pain
It is You, O Lord
That may shed a tear
For me...
And that, O Lord
I cannot bear...
For me
That is the test of my devotion
For You...
Please give me the strength
Of faith
So you can carry me across
This ocean of delusion
And I can endure
Its waves
And love You...
Without opening my eye once
To see
If I have fallen or risen."
(Extract from : Sai Darshan II written by Seema M Dewan)