The more I traveled, the more I realised that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.
- Shirley MacLaine
I dedicate this day to putting aside any thought about how I may differ in opinion, belief, or appearance from the people in my family, my workplace, and my world.
Now I focus on what I have in common with all people - our spiritual connection. This is a bond that unites me with every person on Earth. God is the sacred spirit that lives in us and unites us all. When I know this truth and live it in my life, my relationships are ones in which there is mutual reverence, love and caring.
Knowing that I am one in spirit with the people whom I live, work, and share the planet Earth with prepares me for meaningful, long-lasting relationships. With this understanding, I will always choose to be aware of my spiritual connection with others.
God's spirit unites me with all people in a sacred connection.
(From : 'Daily Word' magazine by Silent Unity, a world wide prayer ministry)