How do you feel as you watch a newborn baby? Overawed by the incredibility of a new life. If this is how you feel about creation, then how much more pleased, and with good reason, must the Lord feel for the universe He has created and peopled with us. To the Lord, we are as irresistible as a baby to its mother. He loves those who love Him with the same love. Despite our imperfections and our foibles, He cares for us as a mother for her spoilt child. From His point of view, that is why it is so important for Him, for God to be aware and to be present for every single devotee at the right time. This is why it is said that He has a thousand heads, hands and feet. In effect, it means that He is everywhere, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. He is with each and every entity that He has created from the ant to the elephant. He is there with each and every single one of us, from the rock to the human being. He is omnipresent resident within everything. He has to be, for only then can He save, protect and guide when He is most needed. This is His love for mankind in action. In this manner, He gives, gives and gives.