A Constant Connection
All the chaos of the mind will become still if you turn your attention from the ups and downs of the mind toward the silence of your soul.
The moment you have complete faith in your self, you shall connect instantly with the divine power of the universal consciousness.
The mind becomes restless only because you have given it the power to do so.
If you have no expectations of perfection, then there will be no fear.............. and when there is no fear, you shall act upon the will of truth.
Thinking is the phase between one's fear to follow God's will and one facing God's grace.
God does not ever delay..................... it is your mind that has projected the fears of the future........... and has wasted your present moment of faith.
The reality is that God has given you the strength to endure anything.............. it is you that fears to fill your self with that divine strength.
You are afraid if others believe in you............ when you do not believe in your own self.
The moment you fall in love with truth, you shall realize that God is moment to moment always there with you.
God knows your every desire................ He knows what you ask and how much you fear for receiving it...........
You seldom asked from God when you were a child............... you asked from Him only when you began to grow in thought and the purity began to dwindle.
One wishes to test God's grace................. but never wishes for his faith in God to be tested.
If you believe in your fears, you are with your focus on them, bound to make the fears turn real!
God asked His beloved child, "Child, why do you fear when I am here?" The child answered, "That is because I think that I am alone." God smiled and said,"Then from now, My child, stop that thought."
And instead begin to think that I alone am with you........... always."
Inspirational message received by Seema M Dewan, September 28th, 2011)